Mridula Nair

Mridula is a counselor and practitioner in several alternative therapies like Bach Flower Remedies, NLP, and Breakthrough Coaching with Timeline Technology. She is an experienced and successful trainer in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. Trained by Karl Dawson, the Founder of EFTMRA U.K. and the founder of Matrix Reimprinting, she has become a prominent figure in EFT and human behaviour for healing emotional trauma. She leads EFTMRA India and is a Master Trainer of Trainers.
With a proven track record of training hundreds of individuals, Mridula brings expertise and passion to every session. Driven by a commitment to extend the benefits of EFT to educational institutions, she aims to empower the student community overcome modern day stress and challenges, fostering resilience and emotional well-being by equipping them with the amazing tools that EFT provides. She has conducted several training programmes in schools and colleges including Post Graduate Psychology students.
Mridula is pursuing higher Doctoral Studies in EFT. She collaborates leading medical professionals, too, referring people to their care when necessary.